Recent ARS Webinars:
1. How to Grow Climbing Roses
When: Friday, April 9, 2022
Agenda Guest speaker is John Moe. John Moe currently serves as the Consulting Rosarian Co-Chair for the Pacific Northwest District, and over the years has held almost all local society board positions. He has been growing roses for over 30 years, and presently has about 300 plus 150 or so seedlings in evaluation from his hybridizing program. He is a member of the Tacoma and Puyallup Rose Societies, and writes a monthly column titled, “Ask the Consulting Rosarian”, for their newsletters. He is the past General Director of the Rose Hybridizers Association, a Master Rosarian, and a horticultural judge. He has presented classes and seminars for a several of rose societies in WA, OR and British Columbia, the Oregon Master Gardeners and the Tacoma Home and Garden Show. He has been a faculty presenter at numerous Consulting Rosarian seminars/schools and horticultural judging schools. Honors received include Bronze Honor Medals from the Valley Rose Society, the Tacoma Rose Society and the Silver Honor Medal from the Pacific Northwest District. Seminar available on YouTube.
2. Consulting Rosarian Program on Chemical Safety
When: Saturday, February 26, 2022
Agenda: Online course cover the mission of Consulting Rosarians in the American Rose Society and chemical safety. Guest Speaker Don Swanson. Seminar available on YouTube. Craig's seminar is also on YouTube.
Other Online Courses for Consulting Rosarians
3. Fertilizers by Brenna Bosch
Previous ARS CR fertilizer seminar can be downloaded from the ARS website (not Brenna Bosch's talk). Link will open another page or quickly download the Powerpoint file to your computer.
4. Insects & Diseases by Baldo Villegas
Previous (2020) seminar can be viewed on Youtube {Baldo Villegas' seminar is available on ARS website (simple registration required)}
5. New Rose Introductions for 2022
When: Saturday, January 22, 2022
Agenda: Information about new rose introductions for 2022 with Carol Shockley and Andrew Gawboy. Webinar video available on Youtube.